Sample: Blog with Images Next to Text

Sample: Blog with Images Next to Text

Below is the process for making a blog post that has images next to text. It assumes that you are working from a Word document that already has the content for the blog post and that you are looking at this page. Click images to make them larger.

1. Copy-paste the blog title and text from the Word document to corresponding fields on WordPress.

Bold the blog’s title.

Style the remainder of the blog’s body text using the buttons above the text entry field as you would in Word.


 column 1
2. Insert the table by clicking the table icon, hovering the mouse over “Insert Table”, and moving the mouse over the shape of your desired table size.

Blogs ideally will have a maximum of 2 columns.

 column 2
3. Click within the table or use your keyboard’s arrow keys to position the mouse’s cursor to specific cells.

The table won’t have visible borders between cells. You can check the number of rows or columns you’ve added by highlighting parts of the text entry field with your mouse or moving the cursor around with a keyboard’s arrow keys.

Continue to copy-paste text into the appropriate cells.

 column 3
4. When you’re ready to insert the images, open the Word document. (If you’re inserting an image that is already saved, skip to step 6.)

Right click on your desired image and click “Save as Picture…”

 column 4
5. In the window that pops up, name your image and save it in a location that you can easily access.

Here, the image is named “Knowji 1” and is being saved in the Pictures Library on the PC.

 column 5
6. After saving the image from the Word document to your PC, go back to WordPress.

Position the mouse cursor where you’d like to insert the image, then click Insert, then “Add Media”.

 column 6
7. On the window that appears, click on the “Upload Files” button on the top left.

Click on “Select Files”.

 column 7
8. On the next window that appears, locate your image.

Here, it is in the Pictures Library from step 5.

 column 8
9. After choosing an image, you should now see your image highlighted and checked (among the rest of the images in the iApps Media Library).

In the bottom right, check the “Attachment Display Settings” and make sure it matches in “Alignment” (Center), “Link to” (Media File), and “Size” (Medium). If “Medium” size is not available, choose “Full Size”.

Click “Insert into post”.

 column 9
10. Check to make sure all your text and images have been input into the text field.

In the bottom right, under Tags, type the category or categories (language learning, life balance, note taking, productivity, reading, STEM, study tools, writing) that your blog belongs to.

The field should auto-complete as you type the category. Click on the category to populate the text field. DO NOT add a tag that is not one of the 8 app categories.

After entering the tag, click Add. The tag should appear directly below the text entry field with an X in a circle next to it.

Click the blue Publish button to finish.


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